November 1, 2009

today is sunday, november 1.
there are punks in vitoria! well at least 1! and she or he left this amazing tag for me to find, just around the corner from my flat. now i know you are thinking to yourself, "why are the anarchopunks in the shower?" and i myself pondered this same question as i stood and stared while everyone who passed looked at me as though i was insane (as usual). but i just didn't get it; i love anarchopunks, but i hate showers. and then suddenly the geniusness of the tag dawned on me: the anarchopunks weren't in the ducha, they were in a lucha. they were in a struggle, not in the shower! and then some clever passerby decided that the anarchopunks had a rather offensive smell, as they are usually known to have, and changed the tag to shower. anarchopunks in the shower. awesome. i laughed for 10 minutes straight. aww spain, yer so funny.


  1. You gotta love a good play on words!! It's cool to see what your town is like.

    I'm contacting that squat you told me about; gonna try to play a gig in your town. Hope all is well!
