today is saturday, october 31.
halloween is here! but not here here. i have purchased a squash, and already eaten half of it, so i guess the other half can serve as a poor excuse for a jack o' lantern. and my dad emailed me a case of 30 candy bars, so ill probably eat half of that too. but im afraid the festivities will probably end there. and although halloween is turning out to be, umm, nothing, there are other redeeming qualities about this country, i swear!
other redeeming quality number 1: the cities end! on the outskirts of town there is a street, and on one side is civilization, and on the other, nothing. so last sunday, being that there was nothing to do because the whole town was closed, i decided to walk west until i could walk west no more. i almost made it! here is where vitoria ends:
redeeming quality number 2: on my way back from the edge of the world, i found a small village that had been eaten by my town some years back. there was a lonely looking stone church all overgrown with wilderness, a small school house built of stone, and tiny stone houses with shuttered windows and gardens in the backyards:
it was rather neat, and as i sat in the tree covered plaza of the village, i pictured myself in one of those houses, one that was probably built 200 years ago, eating vegetables from my garden, and having basque babies. i like it here...